30 Days of Photography Tips… Day 11

DAY #11! TIP #11: Capture those in between moments. Do you want natural images? Real smiles rather than those forced smiles? Or little kids staring at you like…. “What?” When you want natural images it doesn’t always work to have little ones look at the camera and smile, or even adults for that matter. You…

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30 Days of Photography Tips… Day 10

DAY #10! TIP #10: Get in closer. Get ready to take a pic, get all your settings in order and shoot. But then… get in even closer. I love images that are close and tight. I love the intimacy in a tight close up image. I also love how the distractions all fall away and…

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30 Days of Photography Tips… Day 9

DAY #9! TIP #9: Keep your shutter speed 1/160 second or faster when photographing children. This tip, like many of them is simply my personal preference and what I’ve found to work for me. I try to keep my shutter speed at 1/160 of a second or faster when I’m photographing little children who move and…

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30 Days of Photography Tips… Day 8

DAY #8! TIP #8: Try out the rule of thirds. Center focus point, focus on the eyes, then recompose. Rather than always having your subject right in the dead center of the picture, try out the rule of thirds. In the rule of thirds an image can be divided into thirds horizontally and/or vertically. When…

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