30 Days of Photography Tips… Day 23

DAY #23! TIP #23: Go with the flow with kids. Be flexible. Little children can be moody and somewhat temperamental. So… in regards to photography (not parenting, but photography), go with the flow. Push them a little for the image that you want, but…. go with what keeps them happy, joyful and not red-faced and tearful…

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30 Days of Photography Tips… Day 22

DAY #22! TIP #22: Take a test shot before you put the little people in place. Select all your camera settings and take a test shot before you call little people to be in the picture. You will have much more success if you focus on your camera settings when little children are not waiting…

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30 Days of Photography Tips… Day 21

DAY #21! TIP #21: When possible, use a custom white balance target. White balance: Sometimes an image can look too blue or too orange, in these cases the white balance is off. The white balance is what creates the realistic color cast for your image. Just remember with accurate white balance, white color in real life…

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30 Days of Photography Tips… Day 20

DAY #20! TIP #20: Don’t always look for the “Cheeese!”. I don’t always prefer the “Cheese!” photograph. Though I always am trying my best to achieve a couple (because mama and grandma sure appreciate one or two), kids don’t naturally look at a camera and smile and I prefer what’s natural. So get some of everything. Get…

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