30 Days of Photography Tips… Day 7

DAY #7! TIP #7: Focus on the eyes. When shooting pictures of people I find that I love it most when the focus point is on the eyes. So put that red dot right on those eyeballs. They draw in so much emotion. Even if your subject isn’t looking directly at you it’s still very…

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30 Days of Photography Tips… Day 6

DAY #6! TIP #6: Set your focus points on one center focus point. Look through your viewfinder and get ready to snap a picture. When you press the shutter button half way down what do you see? Do you see 9 or 16 or 52 red dots trying to tell the camera where to focus? (The…

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30 Days of Photography Tips… Day 5

DAY #5! TIP #5: Use auto focus on your lenses. You have the option to choose manual focus (MF) or auto focus (AF) on each of your lenses. I choose to shoot using manual camera settings, but auto focus on my lenses. The lenses do a fantastic job of focusing on their own 99% of…

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30 Days of Photography Tips… Day 4

DAY #4! TIP #4: Give little kids a chair to sit in. When photographing little wiggly children, give them a chair to sit in. It helps to give them a focused spot and keeps them from running away from you (at least for a few moments). Often little ones are fascinated by a new special chair and it…

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