
The end of the school year is bonkers! It’s craziness! It’s fun but there’s way too much to keep up on. So I thought I’d share some crazy and fun pictures of my sweet little friend…little Molly. Here are some pictures I took of her silly and sweet expressions with my macro lens and the manual settings to go with them. Life’s not always sweet, calm smiles right? So let’s capture the silliness and the crazies as well. I like that cause it’s real life!  :)

All of these images below were taken with the same manual settings.

ISO – 250
aperture – F 3.2
shutter speed – ISO 1/160
camera body – canon 5D mark II
lens – canon 100mm macro 2.8L

Go out and capture some craziness!


  1. brianneice on June 15, 2012 at 9:19 pm

    cory, these are amazing! she is gorgeous and the pictures are perfect :)