shooting pics inside at home

Here are some recent pictures that I shot inside my home during the middle of the day. The windows were open but no lights were on. We were having marshmallow wars (super fun by the way). I was using my canon 5D mark II camera body and my 35mm 1.4L lens. I was standing up on a chair for these farther away action shots. You can see that when my shutter speed is down near 1/100 of a second that there’s a bit of movement sometimes from the boys. I had my shutter speed down low/slow because I needed more light to enter my camera. If I had put it at a faster speed like maybe 1/300 of a second then the pictures probably wouldn’t have movement and the wiggly boys would be sharper, but they would be darker. :)

My manual settings for the three similar pictures below:
ISO – 2500
shutter – 1/100 second
aperture – F 2.8
lens – 35mm 1.4L


My manual settings for the picture below:
ISO – 2500
shutter – 1/100 second (see the movement in the flying marshmallow?)
aperture – F 2.5
lens – 35mm 1.4Lundefined

My manual settings for this picture below:
ISO – 2500
shutter – 1/100 second  (notice the movement in my boy’s hand/arm since he’s moving so fast, it’s not super sharp)
aperture – F 2.5
lens – 35mm 1.4L