my camera bag

Ahhh my camera bag….

What’s in it? What equipment do I prefer to use? I’ve been asked this quite a bit lately. I’ve also been asked a lot of “what do you recommend that I buy in this area or that area?” So, I’m doing some work to answer your questions on these goodies and my goal is to make it SUPER easy for you to find some fabulous camera equipment that fits your particular needs and kind of fits your budget. I say kind of fits your budget because really, come on, camera equipment isn’t real cheap. Good camera equipment costs some moolah. BUT…how can you resist? Amazing memories of the people you love in your life? Totally worth it. Right?  :)

First, for this blog post, I’m focusing on what’s in my camera bag. Of course that’s the easiest for me to answer since it’s right there and since I love it all and I chose it all. So here it is.

My camera bodies. Love them. Not as much as my family or my friends…but on certain days they can make me quite happy. I’m a Canon girl. All my gear is Canon. It’s just great stuff. Period. So my camera bodies are Canon’s 5D Mark II. They’re really good at having clean high ISO capabilities. They’re fast. They’ve got great color. They’re fabulous!

My second favorite item would have to be Canon’s 50mm 1.2L Lens. I use it all the time for the kind of photography I do. It’s great paired with my full frame camera. I love the color, the 1.2 amazing bokeh (though I hardly am shooting open quite that wide), the sharpness. Fantastic high quality glass! Love it. It’s a prime lens so of course my feet are my zoom as it’s at a fixed distance.

All of the rest of the details of my camera bag are written out to help you on my new equipment page! Click on over! I’d love to show you my new page. I wrote so much more all about my other lenses and accessories:

My 85mm 1.2, my 35mm 1.4, flashes, camera bags, memory cards…oh my!! :)