30 Days of Photography Tips… Day 19

DAY #19!

TIP #19: When taking pictures inside, open the shades or turn on the lights, let the light in.

Last night my boys were wrestling with their daddy. It was about 7:30pm. It was dark (with no more daylight savings and all) and we were inside the house. So I turned on the lamp that was next to the chair I was sitting in to add to the light in the living room. Then I moved my ISO up higher and I started shooting away. Here are the results and the manual settings:

ISO 2500, aperture F 1.8, shutter 1/125, lens 50mm 1.2

During the day I would encourage you to open the curtains or the blinds. Allow that light to come in. I usually photography newborn babies in front of a beautiful window with the blinds pulled up. Natural light is a lovely and wonderful friend in the world of photography. This image below was captured with natural light from a window. I pulled the blinds up, pushed my ISO a little higher and started shooting.

My manual settings were:
ISO 800, aperture F 2.8, shutter 1/160, lens 50mm 1.2