welcome to bruises and bandaids…
Hello one. Hello all. Hello everyone with a camera. Need some help with your camera? Need to make your normal everyday pictures a bit more fabulous? Well, the real world is full of bruises, bumps, messy popsicle faces, dirt, and all sorts of other lovely stuff. The dirty days need to be documented by a camera as well as those perfectly thought through photo shoot days. Do your kids always have clean faces and matching clothes? Or do you have days where you walk into the room and they’re eating the purple finger paint that you just bought them? Last week, my three year old learned how to roller skate in his underwear with a helmet and elbow pads on. And I have wonderful pictures to prove it. (I probably won’t be posting pictures of that though!)
This blog is a place that I will share camera tips, wall hanging recommendations, ways to use your little point and shoot or your big camera with all those lenses better. Do you ever wonder where you should print pictures? How to take pictures without a flash? What are all those settings for on my fancy camera anyway? We’ll probably tackle some of those on this blog. The key is though…bit by bit…take one little skill at a time and get better pictures of real life. Now. Capture who your kids and loved ones really are. Now. At home. At the park. Fabulous.
These are my little boys…one day when we were hanging out in the backyard…not in matching clothes…not even with hair done or shoes on…
Yippee!! So glad this is here :) Grateful to be a “student” with my point and shoot canon.
Oooohh…super excited to learn from you! Thanks for creating this
Yay, thank you for doing this- I need HELP with my camera!
Cori- what a great idea, thank you so much for your willingness to share. You might not remember me..but you came over to the coast early last year for a shoot n’ share weekend with Kori/Kelley/Erin and took some photos of my girls Paige and Ally. I loved your so much and use it as my avatar on my blog. I’ve been stalking your blog for some time and lover your work. You’ve taken some precious photos of my neice Jenna and her parents (Brianne and Pat).
Anyway (now that I’ve left the longest comment ever)…I’ve added you to my Google reader and can’t wait to learn from you!
Cori! Hooray! I am so excited to learn a bit from you! I’m actually taking a photography class online right now and I’ve invested in a DSLR! I can’t wait to learn how to use it1 :)
Thank U for the tips. I have been overwhelmed. Need guidance.