our last photography workshop for the year

Well, today was the last photography workshop that I’m offering in 2010. And …. it was a good one. It was a slightly smaller group (only 6 of us) and I think that’s a good thing. I’ve had some suggestions to try doing this with a slightly smaller group and I think it was a good thing. So, next year in 2011, I will likely be offering some more workshops with a bit of a smaller group. It allows us to get through much more, allows me to provide more one-on-one attention to each person and their questions, and it’s just less people. So, in 2011 you can expect smaller workshop groups,  even more content, working lunches, and just more fabulous-ness (is that a word?). They’re gonna be awesome! They’ll be coming in January of 2011.

Just an idea….ask for a gift certificate for a workshop for Christmas. Email this link to whoever is gonna buy you your best Christmas gift this year as a “suggestion”. :)
And if you’re looking to give a gift certificate for a workshop fee or even a portion toward a workshop fee, contact me and I’ll hook you up with a fancy little gift certificate!

Here’s an itty bitty preview from our workshop today…