photography of little children
This little miss did not want to sit still, gaze silently into my camera, and smile. She didn’t quite get it. I don’t blame her either. How is she supposed to understand my goals and what I’m trying to create as an end result. Really? No. That’s not how it works with kids. Especially one year old little ones. They’re just too young to understand what we hope to gain from them. However… they do understand treats, candy, games, clapping, songs, and other fun stuff. So, make it fun for them. Don’t make it a difficult frustrating time. And then after all else doesn’t go exactly how you were hoping…. be very flexible. When your photographing children you have to be flexible. I was hoping for huge smiles, but instead, this little miss offered me sweet observation. I’ll take it and I actually happen to love it. Right? She’s still beautiful. Gorgeous in fact. And it documents what kind of little girl she was at one year old…. quiet and maybe more of an observer than a jumping off the couch rambunctious kid. I don’t know this little one super well, but by this image, that’s what I would guess. A quiet observer. Those are pretty sweet moments too. So, capture them, with your camera…. as they really are, not forced into someone they are not.
My manual camera settings:
ISO – 320 (evening)
aperture – 2.8
shutter speed – 1/250