photography challenges to help us learn & grow

We have photography challenges going on our facebook page. Have you done any yet? Or are you missing out? What are these photography challenges you might ask? Well, they are specific tasks or goals to try to accomplish with your camera on manual. We have a new challenge every Friday. The idea is that you would go out with your fancy camera, set it on Manual (M) and try to accomplish these specific things. In turn, getting better and better at taking pictures on manual. The key is that once you take those pictures you have to be willing to take a small risk. You have to post one of your pictures on our facebook page and post your manual settings. Come on. Everyone’s learning anyways, so just post some pics. :) How else will you get better, right? Then, take a few minutes to critique other people’s pictures. I will be critiquing the pictures as well. I’ll tell you how awesome you are or what you could do to make it a little more awesome. :)

This facebook page is a place to practice, get encouraged, get critiqued, and to ask questions. Come check it out!

This week’s challenge… Challenge #4 – A specific aperture (2.5)
Post a picture that you have taken at the aperture of 2.5 and please post your manual settings as well.

Are you wondering, “How do I find my manual settings on my computer?” Well, if you are on a PC, open windows explorer, click on the picture, then you should see the settings on the bottom of the windows explorer screen. If you are on a Mac, open iphoto, under the “photo” option on your toolbar, click “show photo info” and your settings are under the exposure tab.

Now, are you wondering, “How do I post a photo on the bruises and bandaids facebook page?” Go to then write your manual settings on the wall (where it says “write something”) and then click the photo button under “write something” and upload your photo there.

My photo for challenge #4 (a specific aperture of 2.5) and my manual settings for the shot:
ISO  – 160
aperture – 2.5
shutter speed – 1/320 second